Thursday, November 13, 2014

How The Students View Me.

I adore my students. While filling out their goal sheets, one of my students decided to draw me which led to most of the class drawing me. Too cute.

I asked why I was all scribbled and he said, "that's the mess thats always on your smock." Hahah love it! 
Akila drew my side braid. xo. 
I asked if that was my hair...He goes, "Yes sometimes your hair goes EVERYWHERE!" Hahah 
This is what I look like dancing. 
Sloan put rhinestones on my boots because im "fancy sometimes." 
Wearing crowns because we are princess friends. 
He also drew an additional smile and stated, "you have a lot of teeth." lol. 

Apparently I have a lot of wild hair days because these kids give me some crazy hairdos.

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