Saturday, April 25, 2015

Daydreaming with Marc Chagall.

Explored surrealism with my little ones. Used Marc Chagall and his painting, 'I and the Village' as inspiration. The students were to draw the profile of a person and of an animal and then portray what the person was daydreaming off as well as the animal. Cute project to push the imagination and further work with oil pastels.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

South Africa: Lory Zoo.

On our last day in South Africa, we ventured out to Lory Zoo which is home to a wide range of abandaned and injured wildlife. I was able to interact with the baby lions, Hero and Harmony, as well as a baby leopard named Azeem. The staff was wonderful and allowed for me to stay inside with the cubs after hours, it was incredible. Hero and Harmony were energetic and playful and kept wanting to play fetch in the water with a rock so it was a lot of fun to get soaked and splashed by a pair of lions. Azeem, the leopard, was a cuddler and curled up with me and fell fast asleep. I loved every minute of the entire day spent with the animals. I am very thankful for this trip, the memories, the inspiration, and the luminescent aura that will forever be placed around my view of South Africa.