Monday, April 20, 2015

South Africa: Cage Diving With Sharks!

We took a day tour of Cape Town and traveled to the end of the Cape peninsula to the Cape of Good Hope where we hiked to the old lighthouse.

We visited a statue garden with beautiful works of art, all mostly carved from soapstone. 

We then sailed out to Seal Island where we went cage diving with great white sharks. Hands down the most terrifying and exhilarating experience I've ever endured. Being able to see the mass of a shark up close was insane. It was both haunting and majestic as we watched the sharks start out as dark shadows in murky water from afar and then effortlessly grow in scale as they approached us. The adrenaline and fear that I felt was powerful and pure. I will for sure go cage diving with sharks again to achieve that rush and witness the unbelievable world that lies under water. 

And we ended our day with a beach full of penguins.

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